change the future

Share your experiences to help improve the lives of others living with your condition.

Earn rewaRDS

You will be paid for every study you participate in.

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You can choose to donate your earnings to a charity of your choice.

About us

We are an independent patient community and healthcare market research company. We specialise in conducting surveys and interviews on a wide variety of disease areas with patients and their caregivers across the world.

Each interview we carry out is designed to explore and better understand what life is like from your perspective; from uncovering symptoms, navigating your way through diagnosis and treatments, to day-to-day life. We want to hear your opinions and discover any unmet needs along the way.

Ultimately, this information is used to help sponsoring companies understand the disease and develop products and associated support services.

Over the last 10 years, we’ve conducted many projects and hundreds of interviews with patients and consistently get positive feedback from those who take part. In sharing their experiences and needs, our community makes a genuine contribution to shaping potential future developments.

Your Team




Patient Lead

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020 3468 6010